Importing invoice batches into ClubCollect via membership administration integration?

Importing Invoices into ClubCollect via the Integrated Membership Management System

Below is a step-by-step guide for importing invoices from your membership management system (such as All United, ClubBase, Conscribo, KNLTB.Club, LISA, etc.) into ClubCollect.

If you are invoicing via ClubCollect for the first time, it is important to check that the logo is correctly uploaded. The logo is located in the top right corner of the ClubCollect interface.

Step 1: Setting Up Invoice Profiles

As an organization, you have the option to customize payment methods and messages to suit your preferences. These settings can be found under **Invoicing** -> **Invoice Profiles**. On this screen, you can choose to edit or copy an invoice profile. By copying a profile (for example, per season), you can create a new invoice profile with the same settings as the original one.

When sending invoices from your membership management system to ClubCollect, it is crucial to select the desired invoice profile as the default. This profile will then be automatically applied to the invoices.

Step 2: Steps in the Membership Management System

After setting up the invoice profile, you can follow the invoicing steps as outlined by your membership management system provider.

Step 3: Sending Invoices

Once the invoices have been successfully imported from your membership management system, the batch name will appear under the **Invoicing** -> **Batches** tab, marked with a red cross. Before clicking the **Send** button, we recommend reviewing a few invoices to detect any errors.

If everything looks correct, return to the **Batches** tab and click **Send**. You will be shown the profile settings once more before the invoices are officially sent.

Step 4: Invoices Sent

After the invoices are sent, recipients may have questions. These can be found under the **Tickets** tab. Additionally, there is a **Help** button located in the bottom right corner of the ClubCollect interface. This leads to our support page for treasurers, where frequently asked questions about ClubCollect are answered. We also have a FAQ for members available on our website.

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