Adding an image in email templates

How to Add Images to Emails (Logo or Custom Images)

There are two options for adding images to your email templates in ClubBase. Follow the instructions based on your preference.

Option 1: Using a Logo in All Emails

This option allows you to insert your organization's logo or any fixed image in all emails.

Steps to Add a Logo:

1. **Copy the HTML template** below into a notepad or an online text editor.

2. **Replace the URL** of the image in the template with the URL of your logo. (The logo must be hosted online, so it has a direct URL).

3. Copy the modified HTML code.

4. Go to Settings > Organization data and paste the code into the Email template section under **Communication**.

5. Save the template by clicking Save at the bottom of the page.

6. To verify how the email looks, go to a random member profile, click Send email with template, fill in test data, and click View example and send.

Sample HTML for Logo:

<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<img src=''><br>
Dear {{ member_first_name }}!
<p>{{ body }}</p>

Option 2: Using a Different Image for Each Email

If you'd prefer to customize the image for each email, use a placeholder for the image URL. You can specify a new image URL each time the email is sent.

Steps to Add a Custom Image:

1. Use the same HTML template as shown above.
2. Instead of a fixed image URL, replace the `src` attribute with the placeholder: `{{ header_image_url }}`.
3. When sending the email, replace `{{ header_image_url }}` with the actual image link of your choice.

Sample HTML for Custom Image:

<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<img src='{{ header_image_url }}'><br>
Dear {{ member_first_name }}!
<p>{{ body }}</p>

Testing the Email Template:

1. After pasting the HTML code, you can test the email template by selecting a random member.

2. Click on **Send email with template**, fill in the required test data, and click **View example and send**.

3. The preview will show how the image/logo is displayed in the email.


Image Hosting:

  • Ensure that your images (whether logo or custom) are hosted online and publicly accessible via a direct link (e.g., using a service like PostImg or your own server).
  • Email Preview: Always preview emails before sending them to ensure that images load correctly and the email layout looks good.


This guide helps ensure your emails are visually appealing with either a consistent logo or personalized images for each email.

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