What should I do if I want to transfer an invoice to a collection agency?

What should I do if I want to transfer an invoice to a collection agency?

If an invoice is transferred to a collection agency, the organization must send an overview with the details of the relevant invoice. This should indicate that multiple attempts have been made to contact the member.

How can I download the necessary report?

You can download a detailed report from the invoice screen under the ‘Download (XLS)’ function. This will download an Excel file containing all the data related to the invoice. This file allows you to show the collection agency which channels were used to contact the member and when these contact moments took place.

Can I send a warning before transferring the file to a collection agency?

Yes, before transferring the file to a collection agency, you can first send a WIK letter (Legal Collection Costs) from ClubCollect. This informs the member and gives a warning before the file is transferred to an agency. For more information on this, you can refer to the section ‘How do I send a Legal Collection Costs letter?’ in this part of the Frequently Asked Questions.

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